Organization: Augustinian Defenders of the "Rights of the Poor"
Organization Description: Augustinian organization of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova devoted to building bridges by matching identified needs with known resources in service to the poor and needy of South Philadelphia, PA.
Project Supported: Rights of the Poor- Funding to help defray the various operational expenses associated with running ADROP.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Jack Deegan, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $10,000

Organization: Casa Cornelia Law Center
Organization Description: Casa Cornelia is a public interest law firm whose mission is to provide quality pro bono legal services to victims of human and civil rights violations, and to educate others regarding the impact of immigration law and policy on the community.
Project Supported: Children’s Program- Program to provide pro bono legal services to indigent immigrant children and ensure that each eligible child receives quality legal representation and support. Particular emphasis on those children who have been abused, abandoned and neglected.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: Father Joe's Villages
Organization Description: Fr. Joe’s is one of Southern California’s largest homeless services providers whose mission is to prevent and end homelessness “one life at a time” and “to awaken the human spirit.”
Project Supported: Search Engine Optimization- Continuation of the project initially funded in 2016 which consists of the tailoring of Fr. Joe’s website in order to have a compelling and robust online presence to not only attract potential donors, but also those in most need of services.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, OSA
Grant Award: $42,000

Organization: Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo
Organization Description: The Foundation “Augustinians Across the World Onlus” was founded in December 2014 with the purpose of supporting the projects of Augustinians, who work all over the world, in order to help the poorest of the poor.
Project Supported: A School in Kinshasa- First the Poor- Phase II- Continuation of the program originally initiated in 2016 to provide funding for a new Augustinian school (primary and secondary) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo serving the most poor, and, and in particular, child laborers. The total project budget is $1.5M.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $100,000

Organization: Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo on behalf of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy
Organization Description: The Augustinian Sisters of Mercy through their Foundation, Pelayanan Kasih Augustinian, have been providing health care services for over 66 years in the inland regions of Indonesia primarily in the Ketapang area.
Project Supported: Stationary X-Ray System-The purchase of a state of the art stationary X-Ray System to be used at Fatima Hospital in Ketapang to improve the capabilities of the radiology system to provide for more patients, and to enhance overall patient care.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, OSA
Grant Award: $87,000

Organization: Hogar Infantil, Inc.
Organization Description: Casa Hogar la Gloria is an orphanage located in Tijuana, Mexico adopted and run by the Province of St. Augustine in California since 1970. It serves as the full time home for 30+ children placed by the Mexican Government Social Services Agency.
Project Supported: New 15 Passenger Van-Funds provided to support the cost of a new van for the various transportation needs (school requirements, medical appointments, and recreational activities) of the children of the orphanage.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, OSA
Grant Award: $10,000

Organization: John Paul the Great Catholic University
Organization Description: Catholic university focused on, and dedicated to, molding students into future innovators and creators, leaders and entrepreneurs who know and love Jesus, proclaiming His Gospel in the culture impacting fields of Creative Arts and Business Innovation.
Project Supported: Campus Ministry Staffing and Retreat Support-The hiring of a female assistant to enhance the outreach capabilities of the Campus Ministry, and the ability to offer expanded retreat services.
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Dominic Smith, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $12,000

Organization: Karen Organization of San Diego
Organization Description: The Karen Organization is committed to the educational and social enhancement of various ethnic minority groups from Burma; to be a bridge between refugees and the local community
Project Supported: Community Navigating Program-Implementation of an innovative approach of “navigating” San Diego services to address the needs of the Burmese community in solving their own social issues through the use of highly trained community advocates.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Carlos Medina, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $50,000

Organization: National Equal Justice Association on behalf of the Western Service Workers Association (“WSWA”)
Organization Description: WSWA is a free and voluntary self-help association established in San Diego county in 1977 by and for San Diego’s working poor.
Project Supported:Working Poor Self-Help Benefit Program Expansion and Office Renovation- Completion of an upgrade to the main facility in order to accommodate a greater number of volunteer participants and clients utilizing the various activities and services provided by WSWA.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mike McFadden, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $22,000

Organization: National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia
Organization Description: Shrine located in Philadelphia and operated under the auspices of the Augustinians of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. The Shrine was founded in 1907 and dedicated as a center of devotion to Saint Rita of Cascia, renowned as “Peacemaker, Advocate of Reconciliation and Helper in the most difficult of situations.”
Project Supported: Support of New Shrine Director- Funding to help support the salary requirements of a new Shrine Director as the Shrine transitions to a stand-alone entity versus one with parish assistance.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Genito, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $36,000

Organization: Nazareth House of San Diego
Organization Description: Living facility for the elderly operated by the Sisters of Nazareth providing care levels from Independent Living to Palliative Care.
Project Supported: Audio and Visual Renovation- To provide an effective and efficient communication, education, and entertainment system for the residents to enhance their engagement and participation in the various programs offered by Nazareth House.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $100,000

Organization: Order of St. Augustine Delegation of Korea
Organization Description: The Augustinian Order was established in South Korea in 1985 with ministries ranging from parish to retreat work and chaplaincy to foreign workers plus the operation of a social welfare facility directed towards the care of youth from dislocated families.
Project Supported: Mother of Good Counsel Retreat House- Debt Support-To help in the completion of a retreat and spirituality center that will cater to groups of up to 40 persons on an overnight basis and up to 100 for a day function. The Retreat Center is located just a few miles from the North Korean border.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Tony Banks, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $25,000

Organization: Our Mother of Good Counsel School
Organization Description: An Augustinian co-educational elementary school in Los Angeles, founded in 1933, offering classes from Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade with a strong emphasis on Christian and Augustinian values.
Project Supported: Technology Upgrade Initiative- Upgrading the technical architecture of the school via projectors, cameras, and personal laptops/tabets to provide a more flexible classroom and study environment.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Jim Mott, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $59,575

Organization: Rise Up Industries
Organization Description: Faith based nonprofit corporation focused on building partnerships for providing comprehensive gang prevention, gang intervention, and post-detention reentry services. A member of the Global Homeboy Network, it has modeled it's Reentry Program after Homeboy Industries.
Project Supported: Machine Shop Social Enterprise Expansion Project- Trains in-program individuals over an 18 month period to become Computer Numerical Control (“CNC”) machine operators- a highly technical and well-paying trade. The grant allows for the purchase of a 5th CNC machine thus facilitating the ability to have 12 trainees in the program at any one time.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $86,000

Organization: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Medford, OR
Organization Description: The Rogue Valley District Council of St. Vincent de Paul was established in 1982 to provide care and support to the needy in Jackson County, OR.
Project Supported: Housing Program- To provide housing move-in costs (deposits, first, and/or last month rents) for those who are homeless or threatened by homelessness to help transition into permanent housing.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Jim Clifford, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Organization Description: St. Luke’s is a Christian community serving the needs of the North Park neighborhood of San Diego since 1923 that has forged a mutually beneficial partnership with the Augustinian parish of St. Patrick’s.
Project Supported: MAKE Garden Café Project-To help fund a commercial kitchen upgrade to support a program run by the International Rescue Committee for the development of job skills in innovative urban food and farming activities for some 40 refugees on a yearly basis.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mike McFadden, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: St. Monica’s Parish- Kaduna, Nigeria
Organization Description: An Augustinian (Order of St. Augustine of Nigeria) parish situated in the Malali area of Kaduna City serving the needs of some 750-800 parishioners of limited means.
Project Supported: Parish Hall Completion-Facility used by the children of the parish in performing their educational requirements during the day, and for various parish activities during the evening and weekends.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $5,000

Organization: Villanova Preparatory School
Organization Description: Augustinian high school whose mission is "to graduate mature young adults of diverse background who reflect the qualities of truth, unity, and love."
Project Supported: Wildcats in Motion- Funds will be used in support a new Art Center, enhancements to the Track and Field Program, improvements to the Recreation Center, and the development of a Dance Studio
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Mike Bube, OSA
Grant Award: $50,000