American Indian Catholic Schools Network (“AICSN”)
Organization Description: Established in 2013, AICSN is a program of the Alliance for Catholic Education at the University of Notre Dame. It includes seven Catholic Indian Mission schools serving Native American populations throughout the United States.
Project Supported: Holy Cross College Fellows Program- Support of tuition and academic fees for Native American teachers participating in Holy Cross College’s bachelor’s degree program in education. The intent is to “strengthen Native voices” in the classroom and to build a foundation for the long-term success of Catholic mission schools.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Adnan Ghani, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $12,000

Archdiocese of Cusco, Peru
Organization Description: Established in 1536 as an extension of the Archdiocese of Sevilla, Spain, Cusco was formerly the imperial capital of the Inca empire. Comprising some 9,192 square miles, the Archdiocese has a population of 1.6 million of which 90.6% are Catholic and are served by some 98 religious.
Project Supported: Acquisition of a Vehicle- To assist Bishop Lizardo Estrada Herrera, O.S.A., in his pastoral responsibilities in the Archdiocese of Cusco, Peru.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $30,000

Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Organization Description: Established in 1897, the Archdiocese currently led by Archbishop Jude Thaddaeus Ruwa’ichi, consists of 124 parishes served by 326 priests and 970 religious. The Archdiocese encompasses 15,450 square miles with a Catholic population of 1.8 million, or 28.4% of the total.
Project Supported: A New Parish- St. Nicholas of Tolentine Msingwa- Funds used to assist in the completion of a new Augustinian parish church in Dar es Salaam.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Tom Whelan, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $10,000

Casa Cornelia Law Center
Organization Description: Since 1993, Casa Cornelia, a non-profit law firm, has been providing free legal services to immigrants and refugees eligible for humanitarian immigration relief. Founded by Sister Ann Durst, SHCJ, Casa Cornelia’s main objective is to “provide high quality legal representation in immigration matters for asylum seekers, undocumented noncitizen minors, and undocumented victims of crime.”
Project Supported: Afghan Project - Program objective is to assist Afghan nationals, evacuated from Afghanistan by the withdrawal of U.S. military personnel, to petition for asylum. These Afghan families have been granted a two-year humanitarian parole but are required to petition for asylum within that timeframe in order to remain in the United States.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $40,000

Catholic Charities, Diocese of San Diego
Organization Description: Catholic Charities “exists to exemplify the scriptural values of mercy and hospitality; to advocate for a just society; and to acknowledge the sacredness of the human person.” Since 1919, Catholic Charities has provided an array of multi-faceted charitable human welfare programs in San Diego and Imperial counties.
Project Supported: Rachel’s Promise - An expansion of Rachel’s Program which has been assisting homeless women in San Diego County for the past 40 years. Rachel’s Promise, in collaboration with Rachel’s Women Center and Rachel’s Nigh Shelter, will offer 40 additional beds to assist those women living with serious medical conditions, and those in need of a safe, secure environment.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $75,000

Catholic Charities, U.S.A.
Organization Description: Founded in 1910 as the National Conference of Catholic Charities, in order “to bring about a sense of solidarity” among those working in charitable ministries and “to be an attorney for the poor.” Today, the mission of Catholic Charities is to” provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire church and other people of good will to do the same.” Next to the federal government, Catholic Charities is the largest U.S. social-safety-net provider.
Project Supported: Tornado Relief - For the support of relief services provided to the survivors and communities in the Midwest because of devastating tornado damage in the latter part of 2022.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Curia Generalizia Agostiniana
Organization Description: The Curia Generalizia Agostiniana, located in Rome, Italy, is the central administrative and governing body of the Order of St. Augustine. Currently led by the Most Rev. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A., the Augustinians have over 2,800 priests ministering in 47 countries. Established as a religious order in 1254, the Order continues the tradition of St. Augustine (354-430) in “his inspiration for Christian community life.”
Project Supported: Ukraine Refugee Support - Funds in support of services provided by various Augustinian communities in Europe for the benefit of Ukrainian refugees displaced by the Russia-Ukraine War.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo on behalf of the Augustinians in Venezuela
Organization Description: The Augustinians have been working with the poorest in Venezuela for close to 70 years offering quality education for the most vulnerable of children. The Friars operate four schools, from first grade to high school, for some 7,750 students.
Project Supported: Health Services- Parrogquia Nuestra Senora de Perpetuo Socorro- Venezuela - To assist in the construction, improvement, and purchase of equipment for 4 “clinical cubicles” in order to respond more effectively to the medical needs of the parish community. Although there are adequate medical personnel, the delivery of heath services has been hindered by an inadequate infrastructure.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $13,528

Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo on behalf of the Augustinian Vicariate in Kenya
Organization Description: The Augustinians have been serving in Kenya since 1498. Today, there are 33 Augustinian Friars distributed among six parishes, of which Nyamasaria is one. The Parish of Nyamasaria has been under the pastoral care of the Augustinians since 2007.
Project Supported: Society Transformation in Nyamasaria Slums- Kenya - Funds will be used for the establishment of a new school in the Nyamasaria Slums located in Kisumu, Kenya principally targeted for the poor, girls, and those with disabilities. The school will consist of 16 classrooms (both primary and secondary) with a target of 640 students, and a total project cost of $663,000. The project will be implemented as a collaboration between the Augustinian Irish Province, the Augustinians Across the World Foundation, and Augustinians Vicariate in Kenya.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $97,049

Fr. Joe’s Villages
Organization Description: Fr. Joe’s, established in1950, is now one of Southern California’s largest homeless services providers whose mission is to prevent and end homelessness “one life at a time.” Its mission is to provide outcome-based programs in the spirit of its CREED- Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Empowerment, and Dignity.
Project Supported: Family Empowerment Program (“FEP”) - An intensive program dedicated to helping families achieve higher wages in employment, and stability in long-term housing. FEP families self-select to reside in a sober-living environment with an emphasis on gaining and successfully sustaining employment income that supports the family’s exit to permanent housing.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Max Villeneuve, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $28,000

Hogar Infantil, Inc.
Organization Description: Hogar Infantil la Gloria was founded in 1975 by dedicated volunteers in partnership with the Augustinian community of San Diego, California. It provides a home for at-risk and vulnerable children in the La Gloria community of Tijuana, Baja California offering food, shelter, medical care, education, and social development in a safe, secure, loving environment.
Project Supported: Perimeter Security Wall - Construction of a new wall around the la Gloria facility offering enhanced safety and security for the youngsters and staff.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $100,000

John Paul the Great Catholic University
Organization Description: Founded in 2003 JPCatholic “is a unique Christ-centered creative community of artists and innovators centered on a common mission to Impact Culture for Christ.” The university seeks to create culture by bringing together storytellers, artists, designers, leaders, and entrepreneurs in the pursuit of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
Project Supported: Student Life Spiritual Retreats - Funds used to underwrite the student costs of four spiritual retreats offered under the leadership of the Campus Ministry Team. The retreats, with Mass, Reconciliation, and Adoration, include guest speakers that inspire the spiritual and personal growth of the students and deepen their relationship with Christ.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Sarfraz Alam, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Mission of Our Lady of the Angels
Organization Description: Founded in 2005, the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels was established to provide a Catholic presence and to care for the poor on the Westside of Chicago. Located in the heart of a neighborhood plagued by violence, drugs, gang activity, poverty and parish closures, the Mission provides “material and spiritual support for those most in need.”
Project Supported: Food Pantry Upgrades - Funds used for providing “upgrades” to the flooring and shelving units in the Mission’s Food Panty which serves 500 to 600 families on a weekly basis.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Max Villeneuve, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $28, 285

Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California
Organization Description: The Sovereign Order of Malta is one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilization. A lay religious order of the Catholic Church it was founded in 1048 in Jerusalem to provide “free medical and relief services to those in need.” The Clinic in Northern California, open since 2008, continues this tradition by providing free medical care with over 46,000 patient interactions to largely African-American and Hispanic communities.
Project Supported: Help Us, Help More - Expanding Care of Uninsured Residents of Northern California - Funds to help support three approaches to providing free medical care and treatment to the sick, poor, homeless, and underserved in Northern California through in-person clinic appointments, telemedicine appointments, and mobile clinic appointments.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Greg Heidenblut, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $50,000

Our Lady’s School (“OLS”)
Organization Description: Established in 1912, Our Lady’s School (a combination of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Angels elementary schools) is the oldest Catholic elementary school in San Diego County. Principally Hispanic, the school’s mission is to provide a high-quality Catholic education, in the Ignatian tradition, that prepares students for lives of service and leadership.
Project Supported: Chromebooks for Our Lady’s School - The purchase of 91 Chromebooks to allow the students to enhance their learning experience and, more importantly, to stay on par, educationally, with their contemporaries in other schools. The Chromebooks are a key complement to the new Science and Math curriculums purchased in 2022.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $54,000

Our Mother of Good Counsel School
Organization Description: An Augustinian co-educational elementary school in Los Angeles, founded in 1933, offering classes from Transitional Kindergarten through 8th grade with a strong emphasis on Catholic and Augustinian values.
Project Supported: Tuition Assistance - Funds used to provide Tuition Assistance to worthy families who have been adversely impacted by COVID, serious health and medical issues, or are in single parent households.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alvin Paligutan, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Parroquia Jesus Eucaristia- Colombia
Organization Description: The Augustinian Province of Our Lady of Grace has toiled in Colombia since 1601. Founded by Friars from Mexico and Spain, the Province currently consists of 54 religious and 49 priests. The parish of Jesus Eucaristia was founded by the Augustinians 5 years ago to minister to the indigenous communities in the Amazon jungle.
Project Supported: Church Pews for a new Augustinian Parish in the Colombian Amazon - The purchase of 60 new pews to complete the interior of the parish church of Jesus Eucaristia. The pews are constructed from Flormorado wood, a form of oak, which can withstand the heat and humidity present in the Amazon.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $50,000

Prelature of Chuquibambilla, Peru
Organization Description: The Prelature of Chuquibambilla, established in 1968 is part of the Ecclesiastical province of Cuzco, Peru. The Augustinians of the Vicariate of San Juan de Sahagun de Chuluncanas, of which Chuquibambilla is a part, are a group of 25 Peruvian and 3 American Friars. They operate under the auspices of the Augustinians of the Midwest.
Project Supported: Acquisition of a Vehicle - In support of Bishop Edinson Farfan Cordova’s, O.S.A., pastoral responsibilities in the Prelature of Chuquibambilla, Peru.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alejandro Anton Moral, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $22,500

Poverello House
Organization Description: Since 1973, Poverello House has been providing meals, social services, and temporary shelter to those in need in the Fresno, California area. Its mission is to “work to enrich the lives and spirits of all who pass our way.”
Project Supported: Kitchen Renovation - To renovate the current kitchen to a “state of the art” on-site kitchen that will provide freshly prepared, restaurant-style meals. Additionally, the renovation will allow Poverello House to prepare and deliver hot meals to other homeless shelters and ministries in the community. The expectation is that the renovation will allow the preparation of over 2 million hot meals annually.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Dominic Smith, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $50,000

Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego
Organization Description: The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, led by Cardinal Robert, McElroy, currently serves the counties of San Diego and Imperial. The diocese was created as a result of the division of the Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego in 1936. It consists of 99 parishes, 16 missions, 45 elementary schools, 5 high schools, and 2 universities. There are 233 priests, 118 deacons, 213 religious sisters and 30 religious brothers active in the diocese.
Project Supported: 2022 Ukraine Crisis - A result of a direct solicitation from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the benefit of those Ukrainians affected by the Russian invasion of their country. The grant supports the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and Caritas International in providing emergency relief and recovery in the form of safe shelter, hot meals, hygiene supplies, transport to safe areas, and counseling support.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego
Organization Description: Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego
Project Supported: Million Meal Project - An initiative developed by the deacons of the Diocese of San Diego to “feed the poorest among us.” The project provided 1 million meals, assisted by over 3,000 volunteers from various parishes of the Diocese, to be distributed in Baja California, the Philippines, and certain areas of Africa throughout the year.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $5,000

Sacred Heart High School
Organization Description: Sacred Heart, one of the first Catholic girls’ high school in the archdiocese of Los Angeles, was founded in 1907 by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. Located in one of the poorer areas of Los Angeles, the school provides a Catholic, college preparatory curriculum in the “Dominican Tradition that embraces, empowers, and inspires young women to live in faith, truth, and service.”
Project Supported: Service - The Greatest Act of Love- Giving of our Time, Talents, and Treasures - To help offset expenses in support of Sacred Heart High School’s community service activities for the 2022-2023 academic year. These community service days are committed “to serving the most vulnerable population in our local community.”
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mark Menegatti, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Self Help Graphics & Art (“SHG”)
Organization Description: Self Help Graphics & Art fosters the creation and advancement of new art works by Chicano and Latino artists through experimental and innovative printmaking techniques and other visual art forms. SHG is a cultural center serving the predominately Hispanic community of East Los Angeles since 1973 by providing access to art education and cultural events through workshops and exhibitions. Additionally, SHG provides a “home” that fosters the creativity and development of local artists.
Project Supported: Youth and Family Programs - Funds to help offset expenses in support of the various projects within the Youth and Family Program.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mark Menegatti, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $10,000

Siloam Wellness
Organization Description: Founded in 1995 at the height of AIDS pandemic, Siloam Wellness has been ministering to the HIV/AIDS community in the Philadelphia region for the past 27 years by “providing healing services for the mind, body, and spirit, regardless of ability to pay.”
Project Supported: Feeding the Hungry - To help offset the increased expenses (bulk food packaging, food item purchases, driver, and office staff stipends) associated with the continuation of Siloam’s Flood Pantry program started in 2020.
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Robert Thornton, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $25,084

St. Patrick School
Organization Description: Augustinian elementary school in San Diego California serving a vibrant, diverse socio-economic community. St. Pat’s has been a fixture in the North Park community of San Diego since 1944. Its mission is to provide a “quality Catholic elementary education, calling upon the teachings and traditions of the Augustinian order, to develop children steeped in the values of truth, community, and love.”
Project Supported: Preschool Playground - St. Pat’s Preschool was established in 2011 and is fully licensed and accredited to educate up to 29 students. The grant will be used to purchase flexible play structures and equipment, and assist in the preparation costs for the Preschool’s play area.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Carlos Flores, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $19,500

Villanova Preparatory School
Organization Description: Villanova Prep is a college-preparatory academy rooted in the Roman Catholic and Augustinian traditions of Unity, Truth, and Love. Founded in 1924 by the Augustinian Friars, its mission is “to graduate mature young adults of diverse backgrounds who will think, judge, and act in ways that are sound and in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.” And are reflective of those qualities of leadership, scholarship, and dedication to the poor exemplified by the school’s patron, St. Thomas of Villanova.
Project Supported: Brightening the Villanova Campus - To provide needed enhancements to the Villanova campus by supplying better lighting and brighter paint to the building interiors.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $60,000

Villanova Preparatory School
Organization Description: Founded in 1995 at the height of AIDS pandemic, Siloam Wellness has been ministering to the HIV/AIDS community in the Philadelphia region for the past 27 years by “providing healing services for the mind, body, and spirit, regardless of ability to pay.”
Project Supported: Music to Our Ears - An expansion of Villanova’s current music program to include voice, choral, additional instrumental instruction, and music production.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Gary Sanders, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $40,000