Organization: Diocese of Chiclayo, Peru
Organization Description: Roman Catholic Diocese, located in Peru’s 4th largest city, which was established in 1956 and consists of 48 parishes.
Project Supported: Purchase of a New Pickup Truck- To serve the parish of Andabamba in the mountain region of Ecuador that was totally without transportation in order to help fulfill its pastoral responsibilities.
Augustinian Endorser: His Excellency, The Most Reverend Robert Prevost, O.S.A. Bishop of Chiclayo
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: Father Joe’s Villages
Organization Description: Fr. Joe’s is one of Southern California’s largest homeless services providers whose mission is to prevent and end homelessness “one life at a time” and “to awaken the human spirit.”
Project Supported: Hydroponic Greenhouse- In collaboration with Mae L Feaster Charter School, development of a Hydroponic “Farm” to help train individuals in hydroponic gardening, and also provide a source of fresh produce in an urban setting for Fr. Joe’s clients.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $40,000

Organization: Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo on behalf of the Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy
Organization Description: The Augustinian Sisters of Divine Mercy through their Foundation, Pelayanan Kasih Augustinian, have been providing health care services for over 66 years in the inland regions of Indonesia primarily in the Ketapang area.
Project Supported: Augustinian Service for Human Health and Welfare- Continuation of the support of the Augustinian Sisters as they expand their capabilities further into rural areas by the enhancement of their clinics and the purchase of new medical equipment. Since 2017 their mission has been a priority of Fondazione Agostiniani.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $63,000

Organization: Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo on behalf of the Order of St. Augustine in Ecuador
Organization Description: The Province of the Order of St. Augustine in Ecuador, which dates to 1579, provides pastoral and healthcare services to the poorest regions of the country.
Project Supported: Centro Medico Popular en Chone, Ecuador- A Real Response to the Needs of the Poor- To help in the purchase of new medical equipment for Padre Miquel Fitzgerald, O.S.A. Hospital in Chone, Ecuador- an area that was devastated by the 2016 earthquake. Fr. Fitzgerald in 1995 began his quest to have a rural clinic for the “poorest of the area”- 23 years later Padre Miquel Fitzgerald Hospital is the result.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $22,000

Organization: Fondazione Agostiniani nel Mondo
Organization Description: The Foundation “Augustinians Across the World Onlus” was founded in December 2014 with the purpose of supporting the projects of Augustinians, who work all over the world, in order to help the poorest of the poor.
Project Supported: School in Kinshasa- First the Poor- Phase III- In collaboration with multiple Augustinian communities worldwide, to provide funding for a new Augustinian school (primary and secondary) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo serving the most poor and in particular, child laborers. In the past three years, the Foundation has provided $275,000 to help support a total project budget of $1.5M.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, OSA
Grant Award: $75,000

Organization: Grantstown Priory Scheme Ltd.
Organization Description: Granstown is a community based organization located in County Wexford, Ireland that has a long association with the Order of St. Augustine. Grantstown provides Day Care facilities for senior citizens, and also supports those that have limitied mobility or mental/physical disabilities.
Project Supported: Caring for the Community-Housing Coordinator- To oversee the development of 16 new residential units to meet the growing demand at Granstown for the benefit of the elderly and disabled.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Hennebry, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $25,000

Organization: Hogar Infantil, Inc.
Organization Description: Casa Hogar la Gloria provides a home for the orphaned, abused, abandoned, and neglected children of Tijuana, Mexico in a safe and secure environment.
Project Supported: Girls Dormitory and Campus Renovations- To assist in the construction of a new girls dormitory and other improvements such as the construction of new restrooms and laundry facilities. Total project budget is estimated at $350,000.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Kirk Davis, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $100,000

Organization: Hogar Infantil, Inc.
Organization Description: Casa Hogar la Gloria is an orphanage located in Tijuana, Mexico adopted and run by the Province of St. Augustine in California since 1975. It serves as the full time home for 30+ children placed by the Mexican Government Social Services Agency.
Project Supported: Marketing Video- Augustinian produced video that supplies information about the services and care provided to the children of Casa Hogar la Gloria.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $5,000

Organization: Mercy Beyond Borders
Organization Description: Mercy Beyond Borders was founded in 2008 to “forge ways for women and girls in extreme poverty to learn, connect, and lead” in countries such as South Sudan, Uganda, Haiti, and Kenya.
Project Supported: Nursing Education for South Sudanese Women- To provide funding (tuition and fees) for 4 South Sudanese women for 1 year of nursing school training at the Kajo-Keji Health Training Institute in Arua, Uganda.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Greg Heidenblut, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $16,000

Organization: Mount Tabor Center, Inc.
Organization Description: Nonprofit organization founded in 1999 that is committed to the mission of inspiring young Catholics to spread the Gospel and to be lifelong missionary disciples and leaders.
Project Supported: SPIRITUS- To provide support for one youth missionary for a year as he/she spreads the good word of the Gospel through retreats and internships throughout the state of Wisconsin.
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Spencer Thomas, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $15,000

Organization: Old St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church
Organization Description: Augustinian parish in Philadelphia, PA that began in 1796 as the first foundation of the Augustinians in the United States- very historically significant for the Order of St. Augustine.
Project Supported: Rehabilitation Project- To help in the restoration of Old St. Augustine Church which was “rebuilt” in 1847 after a devastating fire. Needs include improvements to the steeple along with the restoration of priceless paintings and murals. Project total will exceed $750,000.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Michael DiGregorio, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $100,000 over two years

Organization: Order of St. Augustine in Kenya
Organization Description: St. Augustine’s Friary is an International House of Formation located in Nairobi, Kenya that has 17 simply professed students from both the Congo and Kenya studying theology at Tangaza University College.
Project Supported: Purchase of a New Vehicle- To support the transportation needs of the students of St. Augustine’s Friary as they pursue their pastoral and community responsibilities.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Joe Farrell, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: Order of St. Augustine in Slovakia
Organization Description: An Augustinian community located in Slovakia since 1995 that provides a diverse array of services to the Catholic population ranging from parish work to secondary education.
Project Supported: Church of St. Rita in Slovakia- To provide funding to assist in the completion of the interior of St. Rita’s Church (begun in 2013) located in Kosice, Slovakia.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Alvin Paligutan, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $20,000

Organization: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Medford, OR
Organization Description: The Rogue Valley District Council of St. Vincent de Paul was established in 1982 to provide care and support to the needy in Jackson County, OR.
Project Supported: Footlocker Program- For the purchase of safe and secure footlockers for the homeless where they can store their belongings without fear of having their possessions stolen.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Jim Clifford, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $45,000

Organization: Siloam Wellness
Organization Description: Siloam Wellness, since 1995, has been providing programs, services, and support to an aging, low-income HIV/AIDS population in the Philadelphia area.
Project Supported: Wellness Program for Individuals Living with HIV/AIDS- To help provide general support to an institution that has proven integral in combatting the various health challenges faced by those with HIV/AIDS.
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Robert Thornton, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $25,000

Organization: St. Augustine High School
Organization Description: Augustinian high school whose mission is “to provide a Catholic liberal arts education for young men in an environment that promotes the development of mind, heart, and body in the Augustinian tradition.”
Project Supported: Education Transportation- To assist in the purchase of two vans to support the various community activities undertaken by the students of Saints.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Max Villanueve
Grant Award: $64,000

Organization: St. Katharine Drexel Academy
Organization Description: A new Catholic elementary school, which opened in 2018, located in the Diocese of San Diego that is the result of a merger between Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School and Blessed Sacrament School.
Project Supported: Opening Year Grant- The merger of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and Blessed Sacrament is an attempt by the Diocese to continue to provide Catholic education in an economically disadvantaged area. The Grant is in support of that effort by providing funding for an additional teacher over a three year period.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. John Keller, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $165,000 (over 3 years)

Organization: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Organization Description: St. Luke’s is a Christian community serving the needs of the North Park neighborhood of San Diego since 1923 that has forged a mutually beneficial partnership with the Augustinian parish of St. Patrick’s.
Project Supported: Job Development Program- Continuation of the efforts of St. Luke’s to transform the North Park Community by providing job training to recently arrived immigrants from disadvantaged areas.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mike McFadden, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $15,000

Organization: St. Patrick School
Organization Description: Augustinian elementary school in San Diego, California serving a vibrant, diverse socio-economic community.
Project Supported: Music Program- To enhance the Arts program at St. Pat's to further provide a well-rounded education for the students by fostering "creativity, focus, teamwork and self-confidence".
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mike McFadden, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $30,000

Organization: St. Patrick School
Organization Description: Augustinian elementary school that has been a fixture in the North Park community of San Diego since 1944.
Project Supported: Preparing New Immigrants for the Future- To provide tuition assistance over a three year period for those children who otherwise would not be able to receive the benefits of a Catholic elementary education.
Augustinian Endorser: Fr. Mike McFadden, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $150,000 (over 3 years)

Organization: Villanova Preparatory School
Organization Description: Augustinian high school whose mission is “to graduate mature young adults of diverse background who reflect the qualities of truth, unity, and love”.
Project Supported: Wildcats on Wheels- To assist in the purchase of two vans to support the various community activities undertaken by the Wildcats of Villanova Prep.
Augustinian Endorser: Br. Barnaby Johns, O.S.A.
Grant Award: $76,000